Pears Health Cyber Europe


Ivana Špičáková

Project Manager
Pears Health Cyber Europe
Ivana Špičáková
Project Manager
Ivana Špičáková
Project Manager

I became a Pear in 2021 and from the outset I was impressed by the friendly atmosphere of the team and its high professionalism. As a project manager, I am responsible for a variety of projects - from mobile apps, to second opinion consulting, to educational courses and case studies. In my spare time, I like to go out in (low) heels to enjoy culture and in hiking boots to enjoy nature.

Contact us

Would you like to start working with us? Do you have questions? Contact us. We would be happy to discuss how our services can be useful to you. Each client is unique to us and we consider our collaboration confidential. We adhere to the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry Association's code of ethics.

Contacts for media

Mgr. Romana Žatecká
Chief Communication Officer

Mgr. Romana Žatecká

Tel.: +420 720 731 927