I'm a pharmacist who loves people and my job. I can't stay still, so it fulfils me to create various projects in a thousand ways with a team of amazing colleagues, friends. My work is very diverse, creative, but also challenging. We create projects for both doctors and pharmacists, so we surround ourselves with professionals and place great demands on ourselves. Our reward is the opportunity to be in the beautiful and kind company of educated people, doctors who want to offer and share their knowledge. With a team of professional videographers, we can capture their ideas and presentations, grasp them and turn them into engaging and interesting learning materials for our projects. Whether it is a congress report, a documentary, a series of case reports or a course for the EUNI.cz e-university, it is always incredibly interesting and full of adrenaline. We turn every presentation into an original piece. Every edition of the online newsletter or EUNI special is carefully prepared and experienced. Cooperation with the cameramen, sound engineers, graphic designers, proof-readers, copywriters, administrators and the authors and colleagues themselves is incredibly interconnected, and everyone is irreplaceable, a piece of the whole mosaic to make the final work a success.
Mgr. Romana Žatecká
Chief Communication Officer
Email: romana.zatecka@pearseurope.com
Tel.: +420 720 731 927